Morning World from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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PAGE TWO MON KO (LA) MORNING WORLD JUNE 10 1934 DEENDS RUSTON ATTITUDE ON COLLEGE HERE (Continued rom irst Pssc) plan entered into now will cer tainly and surely lead directly and quickly to tha crcstirrr of similar in stitutions many centers of the state thus loading the educational tax bur den with just so many extra budgi and that while these extra tax ar being piled on the people the three senior colleges Louisiana Tech Natchitoches Normal and Southwest ern will continue to suffer for the lack of adequate financial support Ultimately these extra tax burdens will grow to a point where the public schools will suffer even more than they ore now suffering for financial support this connection I note with in terest that a number of public bodies in jour city and parish and also in Morehouse parish have passed ring ing resolutions protesting any addi tional taxes at tins time How can we establish additional educational in stitutions to be supported by the state without increasing the present tax burden? is not the purpose of this state ment to discuss the place the junior celltpe occupies in a well planned educational program or scheme School men are far from a unit on that issue but they are practically cf one mind with respect to the wis dom of adding new educational in stitutions at this particular time when tax burdens are bearing down so heavily the good people of Monroe study the proposal of additional state supported schools in its true lightwholly separate and apart from any purely local interests I believe they will not find any basis on which to Bfonroe Transfer AND WTarehouse Co Hauling 111 Moving Ji Storage PHONE 78061 Expci torkmcn Reliable Insurance Incorporated WALNUT ST KILLS ATHER life i Looking little like a killer IS year old Steve Verbes Beaver Pa farm lad is shown with the shotgun with which ha fatally shot his father Lawrence Verbes 47 to save his mother when she was threatened with a pitchfork by the' enraged man The boy is held tn Beaver juvenile de tention home where he gave 'himself up charge either Ruston or Natchitoches rt Lafayette with un irieudhness Please know that Ruston people will be happy to maintain in the years to come that same fine friendly spirit otpteighborliness With her big iLter city Monroe that has prevailed many years I have said here represents the thought of the entire citizenship of Ruston very truly M'KN'tGET" NEW AIR LINER TO CROSS SEA Claimed to be the fastest four en gined air liner ever built a passenger plane having a speed of 170 miles an hour will be placed on fjte' Singa pore Australian line The machine is expected to cross the Timor sea whose 400 mile of water has been the prin ciple obstacle to an air service to Aus tralia in three hours The plane can climb 1200 feet within a minute of taking off YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY I NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT USHaBHBMBBBBSHtanaBK EAZEL ASSAILS TAX PROPOSALS (Continued rom irst Pozo) under the circ*mstances to effect some economy in governmental ex penditures is now evident that the Louisi ana tax reform commission is being used as a trap with which to snare and fool the people into submitting to the most unreasonable program of increased taxes ever proposed at any session of the legislature trap was adroitly baited with a vague and contingent promise of exempting homesteads up to 12000 from certain taxes It now develops that their homestead exemption proposal would not become effective until after a fund of ten million dollars is first raised forTrher purposes which fund must be raised not from any present taxes but from new and additional taxes Under the scheme submitted by the tax reform commission the leg islature wilj bo deprived of voting on the homestead exemption proposition on its merits for the reason that it does not become effective until suf ficient new taxes are voted to raise a fund of ten million dollars for other purposes a prepared statement read by the chairman of the tex reform com mission on the floor of the house Thursday night in support of their program he said: This is a technical program It is a program that the newspapers business men and the public generally cannot comprehend' the program is such that the newspapers the business men and the public generally are unable to understand it I certainly think it unwise to adopt it until the superior mind that conceived and prepared the program has time to educate the public concerning the technical mys teries of the scheme rom the de velopments during the past week it is apparent that the searchlight of truth turned on the program by the tax payers is solving the mystery The tax reform commission was cre ated by the legislature two years ago and endowed with a neat sum for its use Had ils program been technical but worthy of the text of the proposed acts should have been submitted to the members: of the legislature for study and comment many month ago Instead of sub mitting the acts for study the tax reform commission withheld them from the legislature until the last two days on which bill could be Intro duced they tell us along with the business men and public generally that the program is such that we could not be expected to comprehend it The only thing about the scheme that we are able to comprehend is hy they would name or label a pro gram of additional taxes as tax re or Jonesboro Mrs Henley was hostess to the Wednesday afternoon Art Club A social hour and business session rri rotokttgO 7 MM Central Circle (S) Service Stations THE BLOWOUT PROO TIRE for 1934 noiseless ribless skidless Now brood now kind of non skid trood hot boon oddod to tho fomovo Blowout Proof Tirol A winding twist ing trood that It far more sJdcf tafa than anything ever known A trood that is tlfont because thoro are no dd fathioned spots ond knobs to pound emd wear off and lasts rnweb longer forth tome reason! Enftrotydifforentand oafer than conventional smooth parallel ribs You need tho safety and economy Of ths strikingly beautiful law pressure Central Dual Balloon on your car bring It around today I 2 3 M'S consumed the greater part of the pro gram Then followed the serving of tempting refreshments to Mrs Littlefield Mr Howard Hearne Mrs Paul Stimson Mrs Wilfred Scrog gins Mrs Mattia Jefress Mr Wayne Stovall Mr Stanley Lewi and Mr Ayers The lawn at the Methodist church was the scene of a happy entertain ment for the High Leaguers Tuesday evening Mrs Henley assisted by ome of the member of the league entertained with games and contests with 30 boy and girl present On riday evening a tacky party will be given by Mrs Henley for the organ ization and the proceeds derived from bath of the entertainment will be used to defray the expense cf the representative to the conference at Mansfield Miss Elaine Walsworth will go as the representative The missionary society of the Meth odist church met at the church Mon day afternoon The entire session was given to the business of the organiza tion with Mrs A Thurman pre siding and also leading the devotional exercises Adjournment was taken with instructions for the society to meet In their various circles for the next week BOULEVARD BRIDGE APPROACH OAKLAND A boulevard with a heavy rock foundation rest ing on 13 feet of sand 'pumped more than a mile by a dredger I being constructed to form the eastern ap proach to the San rancisco Oakland bridge Plans 'call for construction eventually of a total of 14 toll houses oh the boulevard CHAMPIONS WIN AGAIN IITH CONSECUTIVE VICTORY AT INDIANAPOLIS EXTRA RANGE SPARK PLUGS 4 USE THE SPARK PLUGS 1 CHAMPIONS USE Champion Extra Range Spark Plugs were used exclusively in the 1914 Indianapolis 500 Mile Race Bill Cummings the winner set a new track record averaging 104865 miles per hour iCTiwBawf KA 1 4 to ia Vi a ii ir DRIVE AMISHED HERDS TO GREENER PASTURES BLANKETS and RUGS CLEANED Phone 217 Gilbert or Expert Service had in EVERY DAY PRICES OBITUARY WELDING BELLS Taxes NOTICE Let's talk it over 319 9th Phone 218 Trust Department Hl her and Raymond Cato chief of the Cali fornia highway patrol is advocating a law for the placing of governors on11 automobiles which would limit their speed to 60 miles an hour Us at seaweed and burnt (pong for treating goiter was known to the ancients but the fact that iodine was the curative agent was not discovered until 1850 PHONE 110 PHONE 532 MARGARET ANNE SHOWS JONESBORO La June (Spe Margaret Anne Shows 3 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Sher wood Shows of the Hebron commu nlty died Wednesday after a short illness uneral services were held at Hebron church Thursday with Rev John Dodge officiating Mrs red Wyatt of Mayfield Ky underwent an operation for the re moval of a needle imbedded in her hand accidentaHy three years before contended blacksmith Minnesota who loating Hospital Asked By Spanish ishing leet Are As Near A Your Telephone Lt ut deliver your dru eeede to any part ot Monroe or West Monroe 43c 39c 23c 40c sUenajco Latite Shingles have a foundation of tough asphalt satu rated felt which is coated on both sides with Trinidad Lake Asphalt Cement made from Trinidad Lake Asphalt own water proofer They are also durable beautiful and fire safe Come in and we'll be glad to show you these attractive shingle garbed Ilk American troops except that the uniform green One suggestion la that the soldier wear kilts and shawls But economy is a leading objection since a kilt takes more than three times as much material as a pair of trousers Opponents of this scheme heartless ly inquire: kilts why not bows and yr? ALBERT ANDREWS JONESBORO La June 9 (Spe Albert GAndrews 74 died at hl horn in the "Welker high school community Wednesday uneral service were held at the Midway church Thursday it 2:00 He is survived by his wife DUBLIN June The Irish ree State's arnty may revert to the uniform of the Erin of centuries ago A proposal is being considered by the government that the army dress 'as Brian Boni's soldiers when they routed the Danes at the battle of Clontarf At present the soldiers are $100 Vitalis Hair Tonic 35c Mum 60c Mum 50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia 25c Phillips Milk ot Magnesia Minnesota Co Eds orge Ahead In College £nith Shop has the of smithies Irish Army May March In Brian Boru Uniforms MADRID June The min istry of marine has been asked by th Society of ishermen to send a hospital ship Into Irish waters so that the 3000 Spaniards fishing those wa ters each summer may have medical attention The petition states that each year there are numerous deaths from neg lect among the crews of the 240 fish ing boat which put out from Coruna Gijon Bilbao Pasajes and Santan der The crews knowing neither Eng lish nor Gaelic cannot make them selves understood at Irish coast hos pital A ship manned by Spanish physi cians the petition says assuredly would reduce the death toll premc court puss*s on the quest'on I granted a new trial we'd be right back where we were It may net be necessary to have a new trial If the supreme court hold the dying declaration incompetent that will be the end of the Di Dean was in the courtroom when the judge announced his rul ing Visibly shocked she hurried from tiro building followed by Mrs Cook a sister and other relatives After his decision udge Davis spoke a joking mood to newspapermen Dean he asserted had much in common with the lawyer who awoke on: morning after a crowded and eventful night to see what he thought was a monkey perched on the foot of his bed "That lawyer said as he picked up bootjack that if it was not a monkey tnen he was in a bad fix but if it was a monkey the monkey was in a bad shape If the dying declaration is competent Dr Dean is in a bad way it it la not competent the state is a bad way" Mr and Mrs Rountree and Mrs Nina McCoy accompanied by Misses Nina Mae Lee Cecille Town send and Corinth Sherrouse Spent the week end in Baton Rouge and while there attended the graduation exer cises at in which Roun tree Jr and Carey McCoy received their diplomas Misses Elizabeth Gill and Mary Vir ginia Griffing returned home Tuesday from Baton Rouge where they have been attending Mrs Gilbert and daughter Julia and Mrs Segrest of Wis ner were visitors here Monday after noon Dr and Mrs Gill motored to Rayville Tuesday and were joined there by their daughter Odeyne who has been attending the University of Kentucky Mrs Annie Ward of Winnsboro is spending several days here with friends Rev and Mrs Cook and chil dren were visitors in Monroe riday Bates ha recently accepted a position with the United States en gineers' corps with headquarters at Natchez Miss Miss Eula Turner who attended Louisiana Tech at Ruston during the past year returned to Ruston to at tend summer school after a brief visit with her parent here Snyder Jr who graduated at Louisiana Tech recently ha re turned there to take up post gradu ate work during the summer and will enter the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston early in Sep tember Among the members of the Gilbert high school faculty who returned totheir homes Monday for the summer vacation were Misses Susie Adams Gaye Pace Christine Newman Mary Martel Kathleen letcher Thelma Carruth Leola Greer and Mrs Ma rian Shields Carey McCoy who Is employed in the state house at Baton Rouge will remain at the capital while the legis lature is in session Mr Thornburg and Mrs Birdie Huggins were visitors in Mon roe Monday and were joined there by Mrs Scott Kelly and children of Dal las Tex who will spend several weeks here with relatives and friends Mrs Kelly will be remembered by her many friend as Mis Gladys Huggins Mr and Mrs Chase Jr and children of Waterproof visited rela tives here Sunday Nelson Chennault who has been at tending Louisiana Tech at Ruston returned home Tuesday GLADSTONE HOTEL 6200 KanwoodAv Chicago Complete Hotel Service 400 Room IS Minutes te the World's air Single or on JI 50 up Write for older er Reeervatlone Arthur Dryburgh Gen Mgr WEST CARROLL OLK SCHOOL IS SLATED We cannot predict the outcome of the Louisiana tax OAK GROVE La Juna 9 (Spe Dates have been set and prepa ration are well under way for West Carroll parish's second annual folk school to be held in Oak Grove July 13 Recently when Miss Mary Mims state extension sociologist and orig inator of the folk school movement in this country was in West Carroll the undertaking was widely dis cussed and now people are generally enthusiastic concerning success of the school Officer for the folk a com munity undertaking for information and are: Principal McBrida of th Oak Grove high school chairman Wm Pollard commander of the Chas Catron post of the American Legion co chairman and Home Demonstration Agent Alcxina Disch secretary Others on the board of directors are: Superintendent of School Huey Parish Agent A If Single tary and Dr A Masterson direc tor of the parish health unit A complete program for all ages i being arranged Iteason ifSJiJ but our Trust Department could give you some helpful pointers in the matter of fu ture txes against your Es tate and against your Life Insurance Lean and gaunt from their starvation diet in drouth seared pastures dairy cattle in parched areas of Wisconsin are being moved many miles afoot or by rail or truck ta more verdant pastures This herd from Turtle Lake is shown on the trail to a cattle camp at Bruce Wis (Associated Press Photo) Weaks Supply Co Phone 22 We Take Pleasure in ANNOUNCING i Is now connected with our firm and we will appro rj 1 ciate the patronage of his many friepds whom he 15 has Served for the past several years MINNEAPOLIS Juns 9 j) Hail the anvil chorus girl! Although nobody woman's' place is in shop the University boast three co ed swing big hammers in the forge shop of the mechanical engineering build ihg They do all the shop work re quired even to electrical and acety lene welding and each is reported doing good work Alice Crose a senior also has worked in the foundry' and machine shops not because she had any par ticular liking for tossing iron around but because the courses were re quired in her curriculum The other co cd hammer handlers are Lucile Shaffer and Lillian Brown both freshmen SARA DEAN LOSES NEW TRIAL MOVE (Continued rom irtt Page) MONROE TO SEND BIG DELEGATION TO BATON ROUGE (Continued rom irst Page) they do not produce gas and carbon In most cases however the organi zations have merely opposed enact ment of any measure that would in crease taxation as a whole and have declared that if taxes enacted they want the legislature to be certain to make reductions in othr taxes sufficient to off set th in creases (Among the concerns said to have promise support in the motorcade were supply companies lumber com panies bottling companies hardware concerns and other 79c 29c 49c 39c 23c 25c Phillip Mag QDn nesia Tablets ZiOv Bayer' 1 Aspirin iul 100 Bayer's 7Qr Aspirin 4 iV 30e Sal Hr Hepatica 4(0 60c Sal Hepatica 49c 25c 666 23c $100 Nujol 79c: Warn pole's Cod Liver Oil I 79c J5C Pond's Cold or Vanishing Cream 50c Milkweed Cream 50c Vitalis Hair Tonic Phon lit Regliterad Pharmacist on Duty to 12:00 Colleht Thompson No 2 INCORPORATED Open I A to 12 Hotel rance Bldg that MR LOUIS HAYDEN TO BURY ACTRESS AT HATTIESBURG (Continued rom irst Page) were on th verge of stardom direc tors and lesser will say goodbye to "Dell" Ruth Etting singing star of stage and screen who was an idol of Doro thy will sing "The Rosary" at the memorial gathering When Doro thy Dell was a stage struck youngster Ruth Etting was the heroine she tried to emulate When Dorothy progress ing from the Galveston beauty page ant where she was crowned Universe" to New York entered th she understudied Miss Ett ing the star Ruth retirement from the cast gave Dorothy Dell opportunity to shine Shs shone came to Hollywood where in months and three pictures she reached starring status Arrangements Mr funeral services and interment in Hattiesburg Miss near where Dorothy Dell was born were announced by the family to day The journey south will be begun Monday or Tuesday" Mrs Lillian Goff moth er who collapsed from the shock of the tragedy had recovered today al though a relapse late yesterday kept a physician in attendance Reports that she was were said by th family to be unfounded Helen Dell Dorothy's younger sister and Elbert Goff her father with tho mother will accompany the body to Hattiesburg uneral arrangements for Dr Wag ner the young Pasadena surgeon who was driving tho car that carried both to death awaited arrival of his sis ter Louise Wagner who was cn route east when word of the tragedy reach ed her She turned back to Los An geles when informed of the deaths Incorporated This week Soda 1 Large Limeade OL Mickey Mouse Big Bad Wolf Three QQ Little Pigs olding Chair VOL 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 50c Ipana Tooth Paste Listerine Tooth Paste Listerin Tooth Paste double size Colgate's Tooth 1 Paste LJV Listerine Shav QQ Ing Cream £dL Shav nf" ing Cream t)L Palmolive Shaving Cream XivV 35c Ingram's Shaving Cream 29c 39c 39c I Perry LumberCo a Si All Types of Building Material Si If Asphalt (j (I I llartbLI I i' i 4 4 I.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.