The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

4 Thursday, March 23 IHT 6 Police Rcoort Monroe News-Star Stolen Vehicle Report Probed Deaths, Funerals Mrs, Alice Boyett Sidney Gill Wil ir: i I Vidnlia; daughter, Mrs. of Huston; three grandchild- ville, Mrs. Evans was a Rushing of Ferriday; three, ren and five great her of the First Baptist Church, brothers, Bill Myers, Hucv ren. Survivors include two i Bober? all tcrs. Mis.

Doris Tavlor I erri 1 a fa ir I- i Mi Mnrv Trnvlnr and MrSl JuanUa Talley, both of foi Dot Robert lloum.i Mrs. fViri. lYKiry iraxier Jonesville; brother-, Bell Smith of Robinson, 58, of 1608 Bui rough Thacker of Natchcx, WINNSBORO Funeral ser- aid Cheek of Transylvania, Leo 1 Mrs, Jrraldinft Momoe, will be at 2 p.m. Mrs, Holrn i and Mrs. vices for Mrs.

Mary Emma I Check of Maugham and Steve sister, Olla. Willie Robinson Funeral servit Mi ir rc take at Wi We I). Hows report Plum of 70 he at 10 a hapol of If rw wth the burs of tTno ui 1, parked icvrolet trui Street whi P- nroc The acinal nmount of loss is in i' an inventory Is tu find also arreM- Joe Gilliams, 22, of Bd, in nroe in viti le 1 oralarj of the of Lawrence Orr Stubbs McCormick Burial was Rivtrview meterv Ite died Tuesday in Glenwood if -n iS nft. a brief illness. Mr.

Gill Was a native of and was a retired plant manager of Thcrmatomtc ie was me rm Sr Carbon Plant where ployed for 37 years. 1 MKia3Lm 11 and Steven He was a graduate of roe City Schools and received f. his degree in Mechanical Engl i II ville three half Saturday in St, Luke Baptist Bennv Norris a Church with the Rev, .1 a rris, both of Robinson officiating, If. M. Norris of Burial will be in J.S.

Clark 1 grandchildren, a nntn- Cemetery under the d.rectum of and great great Douglas Funeral Home in Mon- lildren. roe. Mr di 1 We i sday at St. Francis after a brief Funeral services for n7fmi)inycd by Arkansas, od Lt. Col.

Max E. Cary Lmin.ana and Missouri Rail fi4, of Jena were at 2 p.m. road as a brakeman for 31 under Kmner years, he was a deacon of the I nner Funeral Home of 1 Baptist chureh. Mi raplain Fustes was of orn lay, Traxlcr, 80, of Winnsboro, were K. Cheek of Lake Providence; at 2 p.m.

today in the chapel of two Mrs. Tempie Evans Winnsboro First National le Sm th, boti Frank Buchanan DELHI Funeral services Barnes offieiatin; 1 rank Buchanan, 57, of of Ferriday and Mrs, Nobit ncral Home with the Kev. Carl Gaspard of Lake Charles; and three grandchildren. The family requests that any Max E. Cary Sr.

JI IN Fut era! set1', ic Buril was in the Union i. will be he! 1 at 2 p.m. Satur- metery in Baskin, Mrs. Traxlcr planned memorials av in True Baptist died Tuesday night at St. Fran- tions bo made to the M.

I). of Delhi with the Rev. eis Hospital in Monroe after a dor son Research in Houston, short illness.Herbert Rancher officiating. Burial will be in the Good Hope Cemetery, Florence, of Tennant Home of a ville. He died Saturday at his three daughters, Mrs.

EurtF and Baptist 1 Mrs. Traxlcr was a member Home at Moti roc. Joel Harrison HUSTON Funeral of the United Methodist Church. Survivors Include one son, Curtis Traxlcr of Winnsboro; World War II residence after a lengthy illness. Merchant of Archibald and vices will be Monday at 1 veteran and Worshipful Master Survivors Include his mother, Mrs.

Myrtis Ainsworth and Mrs in yjavs Chapel C.M.E. Chureh i 1- pie Jack Hill Rites To Be Today frr im I iana S' 'e He was a member I dan a a En dnccr- Society, i a ciety of s-rhanical in cm ingini iber einig, a of the Ji ijcees. pa st 1 lent of the Li ttle Thci 1 1 re and a member of the iTt ibyterian Full Nalley rv ned at 'F emolen Mr, Cary died al Tuesday in England Air Forte ob- of the Doice I here. 10:15 a m. No.

1 in Mrs. Bessie Buchanan of Delhi; Rosa Gilmore, both of Monroe: tnr! Harrison 57 Me was the Grand Mas- live sisters. Lucille Alex- Ellis Jeck.on and," 1 a a Trinity Grand Lndxe ander cl Epps, Mrs. Elvtre Bennett Jackson, both ni Mor- Huston, who died Tuesday at ia after a in ivi Mrs. inelu IR unen HUI, ihr Hall Bill ml Wb al val I P.

ion at long s. He was supc far Jena Wire fable Co. and Surv retired from the U.S. Army, He Mrs. I was a veteran of World War roc; a IT an Korea.

Gill of survivors include his widow Robert Haw- Finlcv Carv of Jena: Spartanburg, one son, Max E. Cary Jr. ol hter. Mrs. Jena; two bn 'hers, Col.

Hug! Rabun p. Cary of i- nsacola, Fla. am tuu sister, Mrs. 11. W.

1. Thomas J. Cary of Scot of Shreveport; and dale, one sister, Mrs iiiiclniflren Neelv Swayze of Monroe; am fcrs were Clay Wilson, his mother, Mrs. C. II.

Cary mndson, Richard lay- John J. Carso, Sack man; Lirx, and Dr. James S. Wade, Eas- 1 of if (J all! Mi in flil 1 uncial II i wner orshin I a rn miber the Do.o Are Siili Under i vestination lere and Karuba mason, merville ii World The family requests that all Funeral se memorials be made to their Dora McClaif Monroe. Saturday at Baptist hurch with O.

W. Billups offieiatin Buriid will be in the city ite charity. Mrs. Minnie Evans JONESVILLE Funeral and was a member of ram Royal Chapter He was a member of tl tern Star and Rojul Aieli pnetor Amaramth Court, ing are his guardian, xu Montgomery of 1 a Mop-daughter, Mrs. diomas of -nroc.

pallbearers will be the St. Luke Baptist hurch deacons. Pallbearers will be the Mason-, assisted by members of the American Legion. Joseph Fredrick Funeral services will be at 2 pm. Saturday in Piney Grove Baptist Church for Joseph Fredri 64, of 116 Grape West Monroe.

The Rev. Charles 80, of 4009 Elm Gee will officiate, will be 2 pm Burial will be in Hasley ssive ctery under direction of Golden State Funeral Parlor of Monroe. Mr. Fredrick died Sundav a1 ner and Mrs 1 both of Caie .1 Mi Edith one siMer, Mrs. Lincoln General Hospital after to, Mrs.

uc Heath of Winnsboro; 10 a short illness. Officiating will be the Rev. E. D. Mc-Woodson, with burial if San Fernando, grandchildren; and 13 Mary Davies of Mrs.

Dora McClain far Mr Ft ri Re rangementsfor Mrs. Mi in nie meterc i dire oj Mil- F. A i Tr wa llosp rails. 66, ol Joncsv ille. are in Funeri Homie of Me mroc.

i Ion gthy illne mplete buiI will bi? I ider di Mrs McClain died Frida at Survr in elude i tion of un a 1 A. onw ay oial Ho spi a I Mrs, 1 i i nmc of Jo after a brie if ess. Monroe 01ne dam Mrs Kvtn (lied Wc-dnesda: Sur i irs neludi I two Youn of 1 li auston. To: a 1 tors.Mi s. :) i i ospel of Mon-j four rande after along ill I roe 1 Mrs Helen of eight rest gram lakland, ne stenlauch- Mr? S.

ce Polhi ird of D.H. My randehildren. Oakland. and five broth-j pallbearers will be J. W.

Free, in the church cemetery under ers, Claude Buchanan of James Gorman, Jimmy Parks, the direction of Our Christian son, Prentiss Buchanan pjton Reeves. Ira Browning and Funeral hom*o of Rtiston. of St. Louis, Clarence ora Boutwell. Survivors include two ar and F.van Buchanan both tors.

Mrs. Vctria Blake of if Port 1'cx. at 1 Lemi andria, and Miss Ethel Buchanan of Delhi. Mrs. Minnie fcvans I Harrison of Wilmington, JONESVILLE Funeral one son, Joel 11 a i Jr.

with Mrs. Alma Hanna vices will be at 1 p.m. Friday 1 Xvmy in Una: five sisters, Miss Lucella JONESBORO Funeral lhc Baptist Church of MrSt charlcm vices for Mrs. Alma Edith. Jonesville for Mrs.

i i Mrs starks, Mrs. Hanna, 92, of Jonesboro, were, i Marv E. Robinson and Mrs, at 11 a.m. today at Edmonds died Wednesday the; Center ElmorPi an of Rus. Funeral Ilonm chapel here with rI Hospital at Houston, fnUr grandchildren the Rev.

Odis Knapp after a long illness. Officiating will be the Rev. Burial was in OldMinden James O. McNair and the Rev. i Cemefccry in Minden.

Roger Johnson. Burial will be Mrs, Hanna died Tuesday at in the Gwinn Cemetery at an unrealistic goal and spending i Carter Nursing Home Jones- Mangham under the direction countless millions of born after a brief illness. of Young's Funeral Home dollars won't alter the fact, Survivors include two sons. Jonesville. warns Gerald M.

Caplan, George Hanna of Jonesboro and Remains will lie in at tor of ic National Institute for Wallace Hanna of Vinton; one the church. Enforcement and half sister, Mrs A idie Pes- A long-time resident of Jones- inal Justice. rime To Stay Doing away with all crime is II H'TlCt Mr Mrs. Goldie Tarver WINNSBORO Funeral ar- ngements arc incomplete for Clain iarver, 76, vili be icarn Fane Ifiib Jnnroe ai en fed pi Special Services Slated Friday For Bicentennial i and the ci Winnsboro direction llama hen Mrs. Ta afternoon Hospital a brief iline A Rob McClain, Mose Mend Frank James if Oakland, son.

Will Otis tt. one sis- Davenport of nine great nt all 76, nne step lain of une ral Mrs. West Moi lesdav dre'H and dren. ter Jim H. Webb ro lor WINNFIELD Funtral sc Bir dead found Israel of ibi Hichart le B'nai Zio i Te ir oe.

uld ist he ri i the port exeba li 3 ve coos uni eci bi 1L be: the sut istance poison Bit! XT I Tt Tl abbi Zionts Pa. ma craduat i in the sity Pittsbu eh of- mdained as Trnian that from Instit ute of -no her fe rs. Tarvi vices for im H.Webb, 72, of the I ni tod Winnfield, 2 m. I 'antecostal Church dav in the Sout hern Funeral Home chap el wii 11 a Rev. Survivors a a atwo sons, i Doris Deai I.alei11!» Tarver of Burial in Beech Creek -d Tarver Houston, Cemclerv Mi Webb who five Cauehte s.

died at 6 i m. 'ucsday in the Theo Hendry, Mrs. Igllian Hospitr ll Mexandria af- drv. Mrs. Marg arct a len by illi 1GSS.

tew and Mrs Luc-il a Hendrv, A native of Wu nn Parish, Air. of Winnsboro, a nr I Mrs. Rob- Webb was a vet eran of World bio No of one War TI. Mrs Bertha I)ivfflp of Survivor? one brother. Wirmcborn; tuo Hf sisters, Luther Wet of Olla; and one Mr tele FERRI DAY Funeral Services for D.

IL Myers, 57, of Ferriday, wore at 1 p.m. today in the Mississippi Avcnu fhurch of God with the llcv. IL Gisson officiating. Graveside Services were held at 2 p.m. at the Eudora (Ark.) emetery Mr Myers, who do Tuesday at the Hospital in mandria after a short illness.

Mr. Myers was a reside of Ferriday for 22 years, a member of the Church of God, and a veteran of World War II. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Helcn J. Myers da- two Dnvle Myers of MAKE MINE LEATHER! -i ally $22 COLOR MAHOGANY Pm were kept nit her a ave du were ri le assoc.ate nemci Cn r.

off als have tested sup i in th area and in to be free of les. any icr poison Ane officii i or hat rojected by animals werepossibly fed poison on a cube of su o' imething ise i dog O' ulti re a lily accept from a stra i ger. Oth 1 er sai Tip les ta ken from I ogs been ent to the Norl I Cri mo iratory in xep Tt by for Jew ne pu aerial Si Ile wa Rabbi far dlege ters of Ai inte En cl and Rabbi in an 1 was Ga. prior to veport. He is al- ne ni lier of the Foundat m.

vited to the ab- SUSPICIOUS INSECTS MAYBE TERMITES! GIVE US A WE WILL TELL YOU MONROE I EXTERMINATING 322-0931 everyday low price 30c more! LHYTON STRtET AND SOUTH 3 RD MONROE, LA. Parking at Foot ol 120 Badge in Monroe ADry 8 AM- 8 PM WEEKDAYS UlLn 8 AM 9 PM SUNDAYS DISCOUNT MEATS AND GROCERIES We Accept Food Stamps Prices Good and Sat. MARCH 25, 26, 27 CStffSTAl several varieties of poi- Traffic Blocked On Interstate After Accident y. 'wi mai i BUS. USDA LB.

41 eollis on of a and a parked tr I 1 locked traffic on the bound la: of 1-20 near Well Road was held up for 25 1 utes We inesday afternoon. Damages to the trailer that was being towed by Milton Friend, 58, of Dallas, were estimated at between 12.000 $15,000, Louisiana State Police Troop officials said, Donald Evans, 22. of Selman Field, Monroe, was traveling st on 1-20 in the pickup truck, police said. Friend had parked the trailer on the interstate shoulder to check engine trouble, He was treated and released from Glenwood Hospital following the 2:23 p.m. accident.

Evans was treated and released from A. Con- wav Hospital, officials said. LI SYMPATHETIC SERVICE 388-3000 Chuck Roast ROUND STEAK i.51’s Party Pups Wieners GIANT TIDE s129 SAUSAGE. mm i mm mtim .0 lbs. -1 HgS SLICED BOLOGNA 69c Neck Bones 3 100 DECKER PICNICS ib.

59 First Cut Pork Chops Lb69e Bread Rolls 5vTT7 X': bi I KftKE 3 MG 1 Vi LB. Luves 1 Red Hots ib 79e SMOKED SAUSAGE 99' CRYSTAL WHITE Liquid detergent for clean dishes everytime. Lemon or regular. SUPER SUDS Modern formula for was! day results ou can be proud of. CASHfflERE BOUQUET The beauty soap for beautiful people.

CRYSTAL WHITE Liquid detergent ter clean dishes every! me. Lemon cr regular HEAVY BLEF Chuck Steak 79 I Beef Liver LB 69cl I SAVE 10c COUPON SAVE 10C SAVE 100 good only oft If ti it prescMfd ot e-o by ui to coug Coupon ft use ia lo Otti COI GAT PALMOLIVE COMPANY PO Bui im, Louis Ky Aprii 30 1 1 STORE COUPON mJ i CASHMERE beauty ap for beautiful people NODI MO COUPON by lo present ter a i must i vmd i -ptied. i i be presented to COLGATf PAI MOLIVF COMPANY fM; Boi Louisville, Kjy 40201 U-329 Hter es .1 Vil Cash K. SUPER SUDS'Y SIZE Modern formula for 1 washday results you can ne prc ud of. NOUCl 0 Df At IR ire prohifc.ted semahve tor IVI COMPANY PO 40201 U'343 Ite.

The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.